Dennis A. Pieters

Dennis A. Pieters currently serves as a Director of Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Inc. in Georgetown, Guyana. Prior to this appointment, he was a Reservoir Engineering Consultant for Aramco Services Company, headquartered in Houston, Texas. He is a Reservoir Engineering Subject Matter Expert and until 2018 taught Reservoir Engineering to Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists at the Upstream Petroleum Development Center in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Dennis has an extensive background in reservoir engineering of both conventional and unconventional (CBM and Shale gas) reservoirs as well as CO2 enhanced recovery processes, economic and decision analysis. He has authored papers in these areas.
Since 1980, Dennis has held a series of progressively responsible staff engineering, consultant and management positions in the US and internationally with Amoco, Saudi Aramco, Shell Oil and Halliburton Landmark Graphics. Dennis worked as a simulation specialist on Ghawar and Safaniya fields for Saudi Aramco, simulating the first horizontal well in the Kingdom in 1989. As a consultant for Landmark Graphics, he managed horizontal well engineering teams in Siberia and in 2003 was the reservoir sub-surface Subject Matter Expert for the Army Corps of Engineers on location in Iraq, immediately following Operation Iraqi Freedom. As part of task force RIO (Rebuild Iraqi Oil) the team was charged with estimating and reporting to the President of the United States on the cost of rebuilding Iraqi oil infra-structure to pre-war levels for appropriation by the U.S. Congress. The measure was approved.
Dennis is a graduate of Guyana’s Queen’s College. He earned a BSc degree in Geological Engineering and MSc and PhD degrees in Petroleum Engineering, all from Colorado School of Mines. He has taught reservoir engineering and economics courses at the Colorado School of Mines and is the author of a book on oil and gas decision-making. He is an active member of the SPE Gulf Coast Section, and was the outstanding editor for the SPE Journal in 2014. He is also a director of the Potential Gas Committee which is charged with evaluating natural gas resources in the United States.