Production of the first barrel of oil (from Liza Phase 1) in January 2020 will usher Guyana into an era of unprecedented economic opportunity. Oil and gas revenues, natural gas for local consumption (and export), and a meaningful local content regulatory framework will provide an opportunity for sustainable economic development of the country. If the opportunity is seized, it will be a positive game-changer for the Guyanese people, and indeed the Caribbean region.

Dream vs. Reality. With Guyana’s light sweet crude oil flowing on January 1, 2020, the Guyana government can expect about $207 million dollars (US) in oil revenues for 2020. However, because of commodity price risk (i.e., crude oil price uncertainty), Guyana might receive only $84 million (US) in oil revenues – a $123 million (US) revenue risk exposure (i.e., potential revenue loss). In the unlikely scenario of oil prices (WTI benchmark crude) remaining fixed at $50 per barrel, Guyana would earn $296 million (US) in oil revenues in 2020. The historical oil price chart, shown in Fig. 1, illustrates the inherent volatility of oil prices that are very sensitive to geopolitical events in addition to supply & demand factors.
Oil begins flowing from Liza Phase 1 at 120,000 bpd (barrels per day). On June 1, 2022, Liza Phase 2 brings an additional 220,000 bpd. With subsequent production additions from Payara and Turbot of 180,000- and 230,000- bpd, on 1/1/2023 and 1/1/2025, respectively, we arrive at 750,000 bpd in 2025. Fig. 2 displays the Stabroek Block 2020 – 2050 production forecast that is based on these initial inputs into our reservoir simulation models.
By 2025, when production reaches 750 thousand bpd , and the Government’s expected oil revenues approach $2 billion (US) for that year, the actual revenues realized could be only $522 million. Here, Guyana’s 2025 revenue risk exposure is an astronomical $1.4 billion. By now (2025), this potential loss or unrealized revenue is due to oil price risk and runaway cost recovery. Runaway cost recovery – because of uncertainty of the plethora of operating expenses the contractor can recover under the production sharing agreement (PSA) as cost recovery.

Table 1 summarizes Guyana’s 2020 to 2040 oil revenue outlook and revenue risk exposure for selected years during that time period. Fig. 3 depicts the same information, but in graphical format. Our analysis of these results indicate that:
- Relative to expected value, revenue risk exposure increases as production increases. Thus, higher production volumes bring absolute risk to Guyana’s revenues.
- Beyond 2025, cost recovery (comprising mostly of Opex) becomes a significant risk to Guyana’s revenues, and
- If these risks are not mitigated, Guyana could lose tens of billions of dollars in oil revenues by 2040.

Methodology. The results discussed in this article are derived from analysis of data produced by rigorous technical and economic modeling of PSA terms and conditions and Guyana’s Stabroek Block reservoirs, including the employment of proven Monte Carlo simulation techniques. We show the base model input assumptions in Table 3.
Commodity Price Risk. Because of its critical role in powering the planet, crude oil is an international commodity traded on all major world commodity markets. World-wide supply and demand factors (including economic recessions, boom cycles, etc.) and geopolitical events affect the price of crude oil. Moreover, most of the world’s oil supply comes from unstable regions of the world, and thus geopolitics is a significant contributor to oil price uncertainty (i.e., price volatility). Fig. 1 shows the spot price volatility of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, from January 1986 to August 12, 2019. In our models, we use WTI as an index for Guyana’s light sweet crude that has similar physical properties.
Without resident Guyanese technical infrastructure to model, quantify, and manage the inherent oil price risk, Guyana will potentially lose tens of billions of dollars (US) in oil revenues.
Cost Recovery. Under the terms of the ExxonMobil PSA with the Guyana Government, the contractor (ExxonMobil and its partners) recovers all of its capital expenditure (CAPEX) and most of its operating expenses (OPEX) in Guyana. The PSA limits monthly cost recovery to 75 percent (%) of production revenues.
Because the Contractor recovers its OPEX from Guyana’s oil revenues, there is potential for runaway cost recovery that significantly eats away at Guyana’s revenues in perpetuity. And, this is what our modeling shows. For example, the 2035 base case ($50 per barrel oil price) shows Guyana having total oil revenues (including royalty) of $3.7 billion, while the Contractor’s total revenue including cost recovery is $4.94 billion – a 42.7% : 57.3% (Guyana: Contractor) split. See Table 4 for base case 2020 – 2035 projections of annual oil production revenues, royalty payments, and cost recovery for selected years.

Commodity Price Risk & Guyana’s Revenue Risk Exposure. Although cost recovery is a significant risk to Guyana’s oil revenues, oil price risk is a bigger risk factor that must be addressed. By 2035, Guyana could expect $32.6 billion (US) in cumulative oil revenues as its share of production (profit oil & royalty). But, with a $27.8 billion risk exposure, the country may realize only $5.7 billion for that 15-year period. By 2040, the risk exposure to cumulative revenues grows to $36 billion. Table 2 and Fig. 4 illustrate this problem.

To effectively address this issue, mitigate the risks, and prevent potentially enormous revenue shortfalls from production of the country’s hydrocarbon resources, it is imperative that Guyana:
- Develop and implement a coherent strategic energy plan to integrate, manage and optimize its energy resources (including oil & gas resources) and the benefits flowing therefrom, and
- Quickly put in place resident Guyanese technical infrastructure with the requisite human capital and tools necessary to effectively perform oil & gas business specific technical tasks and deliver good outcomes for the country. In effect, commission a local resource for energy and oil & gas planning, energy strategy, and quantitative analysis.
To this end, Guyana must engage its diaspora and acquire competent resources that will significantly close or eliminate the existing gap in skilled human resources.
Edwin M. Callender, Esq.